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oproj (openproj)

Collection of Open Source softwares, including a set of library bindings (GTK, gstreamer, cairo, and others) for Lua.

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OpenPraise Scheduler

ops (marek)

OpenPraise Scheduler is an open scheduling web application developed mainly for church music groups. Main features are:

* user can define schedules for certain events * "last selection time" function * events + responsibilities can be predefined * integrated song editor * PDF songbook/selection export * user rights to define roles * group mailing of selected songs * it's free (MIT)

The application works with PHP5 & MySQL5.

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Online Pricing System

opsys (alexware69)

A method and computer programs product for easily designing, implementing, documenting, presenting and storing unfinished and finished products specifications as well as producing quotes and orders. This process is specially designed for unfinished goods, though it can be used on any kind of products. The method and program uses a Tree data structure to achieve all the aforementioned goals. The products specification and documentation are stored as files and folders in a server which can be accessed using a regular file manager or an FTP client from any computer in the same network or the internet, or from a PDA device thus making easy the team work. The quotes and orders are securely stored in a data storage server. The computer programs provided can use defined products automatically and present them to the user in a web page where the user can enter values, pick options and get price quotes in real time. The system permits revision and re-quoting based in the original formulas used in the product definition. Currently this is programmed in java, using NetBeans on an OpenSuse box. (another implementation in will not be included this time)

The license for the software will be GPL for code.

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opunspy (bol)

Ceci est un projet de mod pour intégrer dans PunBB le projet libre OGSpy.

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oqapy (vinss)

Oqapy est une application destinée au classement de photos ou tous autres fichiers image.

Diverses options permettent de l'utiliser comme simple visionneuse ou d'appliquer certaines modifications de base sur l'image elle-même ainsi que sur les propriétés du fichier.

Oqapy est distribué sous licence GNU General Public Licence v.3

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ordemo (openrealty)

A demo of open-realty. Open-Realty® is an MIT licensed web-based real estate listing management and lead generation content management system (CMS) that is designed to be very reliable and flexible as a framework for creating and managing a real estate website.

Source Code is available at

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organichart (gneuville)

OrganiChart aims to provide an easy to use web interface to create, publish and manage organizational charts. Currently exploiting PHP4/MySQL technologies, it is a free software licensed under the GPL.

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Oroboros pour SPIP

oroboros (garthh)

Oroboros est un jeu de squelette sous licence GPL pour SPIP 2.0 utilisant une mise en page très dynamique. L'ancienne version pour SPIP 1.9 est toujours disponible sur l'ancien site du projet :

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osames (oitsuki)

OSAMES: Open Source Accounting Management and Ecommerce solution. La suite OSAMES vous permet de gérer les flux physiques et financiers de votre entreprise : Gestion des commandes, Gestion des stocks, Gestion client par affaire, Gestion des factures associées, Gestion de la trésorerie, Gestion des budgets financiers, Gestion de la comptabilité. Sous licence GPL.

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osdp (blumenfeld)

Ce logiciel, qui signifie "Outil de Suivi du Dossier Patient" sera développé par l'association SIAD SANS FRONTIERES (, dans le cadre de l'implantation d'un système d'information hospitalier pour la région de Mamou, en Guinée. OSDP est un logiciel de gestion du dossier médical du patient. Il sera distribué (contre rémunération dans le cas d'une activité libérale) en licence GPL.

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