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Le monde le Monsieur Kiouk

lmdmk (kiouk)

Blog personnel traitant de programmation web et de logiciels libres. D'autre sujets pourront être abordés comme par exemple la musique libre.

Dans le respect des la philosophie du monde libre, le contenu de ce blog est sous double licence GNU FDL / cc-by.

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Le Manchot Enchaîné

lmemag (yron)

site/magazine en ligne sur l'Actualité GNU/Linux (support Wordpress).

Des tutos, conseils pratiques et tests de distros compléteront ce magazine en ligne.

Tout le monde peut participer et contribuer à la rédaction des billets.

Licence: GNU FDL.

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Le Monde de Linux

lml (trias)

Vous vous intéressé de près ou de loin à Linux, vous y êtes déjà passé et vous avez des problèmes, vous voulez approfondir votre connaissance de Linux, ce site est là pour ça. Ce site est sous license GPL v3.

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lmms (eagles051387)

LMMS is a free cross-platform software which allows you to produce music with your computer. This covers creating melodies and beats, synthesizing and mixing sounds and arranging samples. You can have fun with your MIDI keyboard and much more – all in a user-friendly and modern interface. Furthermore LMMS comes with many ready-to-use instrument and effect plugins, presets and samples.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Copyright (c) 2004-2010 by LMMS-developers

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Linux Community

lnxcomnty (projjalm)

Respected moderators,

I'm Projjal Moitra, and what I'm trying to build is a world-wide community of Linux users and any tech enthusiasts. My idea is to gear today's Linux commnunity, which is so broken apart by opinions, ideologies, and differences in their personal taste, in a direction which everyone favors and make it the voice of free software supporters, ethical minds, and every member that is directly/indirectly related to it. I know this is a big word, but the thing is, the only strength that linux and FOSS lovers have, is their community. So why not try to unify it? Maybe unifying it, will be a bad idea in itself because it's always better to keep everything decentralized. But what I'm trying to do is optimize the differences, make it a friendly place for everyone, and thus, making it the face of linux and free software culture. Obviously, like every community, this one will also have a set of guidelines, but everyone will be always welcome to this family of online chatrooms, regardless of their differences in all attributes. The main objective of this project is to make the linux userspace friendly and rich once again. Currently, the community is hosted on matrix, and discord (I know it is a non-free service, I'll soon move it to a free platform with the help of tuxfamily). I will conclude it by specifiy my requests and license - > A web-hosting server for the website of Linux Community, with server-side python. And all of the content on the website can be licensed under CC-BY-SA and the code under a 2BSD license. I can guarantee that all of the content and code will be free, as in free speech, and if you insist, you can make minor modifications to this idea of mine, as this project is still in alpha and supposed to be a long-term one. And again, thanks for considering my request once again. And again, I am a novice in the technical aspects of things, so feel free to ask me any queries related to it. Thanks for considering my request once again :)

Yours sincerely, Projjal M.

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lnxkemper (fanch)

site du GUL linuxquimper hacktivistes finistériens faisant la promotion de linux, et des logiciels libres en général

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lnxteam (gusarg)

This is oriented to host projects and packages useful for Ubuntu/Kubuntu and derivatives. Example, new packages that is not in the Ubuntu repositories. All packages and projects under GNU/GPL.

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lod (blueprawn)

Site destiné à recevoir quelques unes de mes modestes réalisations en infographie, programmation et documentation.

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Logic Builder

logicbuilder (gooopy007)

Logic Builder est un logiciel d'édition et de simulation de circuits logiques.

Ce logiciel à un but éducatif, il permet de se familliariser avec les concepts de bases de l'informatique tel que la l'algèbre de Boole, les circuit combinatoires et sequentiels et l'architecture des ordinateurs.

Ce logiciel multiplateforme développé en Java est distribué sous licence GPL v3, les librairies externes utilisées sont distribué sous licence Apache Software License v2 et sous licence LGPL.

Il fonctionne parfaitement avec la machine virtuelle libre openJDK 1.6.

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logiforme (nach)

logiforme est un outils de valorisation pour les logiciels libres ,il permet de proposer des ressources de formations,d'installation et de conseil.le but de logiforme est de vous faciliter l'utilisation des logiciels libres,L'outil sera publié sous licence libre GNU GPL.

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