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irstat (xrogaan)

Just a bunch of personnal projects. Mostly crap, but could be useful if you dig.

Licence: MIT/New BSD, maybe a pinch of LGPLv3.

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isarengine (sebi)

IsarEngine is a OpenGL based graphics engine written in C++. The complete package will provide an math, log and graphics library. It will be released under the GPLv3 licence.

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isecuriz (imodeur)

programme permettant l'encryptage de données a travers vos applications.En license GPL et accessible a Win et Linux(en cours)

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isis (lamigo)

IT management intranet/extranet, including project, workers, effort, time, and human resources, financials and customer relationships management. released under new bsd license

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islackdist (islack)

ISlack is a security focused distro. Most of the numerous security-related software is suited for penetration testing of your network. There are also security tools for testing your local security and IDSs for monitoring. The configuration of ISlack is hardened by default: (listening for connection) services are turned off, and incoming ports are closed.

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isn : informatique et sciences du numérique

isn (fourlegnie)

Site destiné aux élèves de Terminal permettant de découvrir le HTML, le javascript et l'hébergement d'un site web. Le tout sous licence SS-BY-SA

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itunesctrl (grunge21)

un site proposant des controleur itunes open source entierement gratuit pour macos x dévelpoé en applescript .

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italian wesnoth development and repository

itwesnoth (valdan)

Itwesnoth stems from a group of young developers (meet in the Italian forum of Wesnoth) to easily share and collaborate in the creation of extensions, and to always have available the latest version of the game. The group is divided as follows: -italian meeting point for the development of new extensions and their changes as: icons, ere, scenarios, translations, etc ... -repositories Ubuntu/Debian, Arch and in the future Redhat with stable and unstable versions updated, since the distributions are updated almost only stable package and even the latest version. All under the well known license GNU GPL.

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ivanlef0u's blog

ivanblog (ivanlef0u)

Site hebergeant le blog de Ivanlef0u. Blog orienté prog système et reverse engineerings sous Windows. Tout le contenu du blog est sous liscence CC-BY-SA.

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Ivawen GPL

ivawen (breathofdz)

ce groupe feras l'objet d'hébergement d'un site blog visant a promouvoir le logiciel libre en Algérie en particulier 'ubuntu' sous une licence ART LIBRE .

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