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3v1deb (3v1n0)

This project has born as an Ubuntu Repository to give extra binary software to community. Then it included a blog and other tools to share the my knowledge about the open-source project I followed/worked.

I actually use it to store some of my open projects and resources (being focused mostly on Openmoko and other embedded development).

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admiral0's repository for Freerunner

admiral0repo (admiral0)

This repository should contain ipk packages that i build.(including qt4[gpl] and maybe later kde4). ALL projects included will be Open Source as i only compile and package them.( i cannot say they will all be GPL, though, as there are many types of open source licence, for example apache licence). All scripts that i will write and host on this repository will be GPL.

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Ancient Beast

ancientbeast (dreadknight)

Ancient Beast is a turn based strategy game where you have to materialize and control a small party of units that have unique stats and abilities in order to defeat other players.

This project was carefully designed to be easy to learn, fun to play and hard to master.

Play it online for free from

The licensing of the project is AGPL 3.0 for code and CC-by-SA 3.0 for assets.

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arakhne (galland) is a community site dedicated to open-source softwares. It provides free software from the members and several Linux packages (Debian, Ubuntu...).

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blendercave (thibsert)

Partage de fichiers 3D réalisés sous Blender. Vous pouvez mettre vos fichiers 3D à disposition de la communauté, ou télécharger des fichiers à inclure dans vos projets.

Les travaux sont partagés sous licence libre (au choix de l'auteur : CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, Art Libre).

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Cauldron for Mageia

cauldron (baud123)

Mainly a collaborative wiki - licensed as CC-by-sa + GFDL + ArtLibre + GPL - about development version of the new GNU/Linux distribution Mageia (whose development version is named cauldron). The Magic continues :-)

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Cris linux operating system

crisos (claudyus)

CrisOs is first linux base operating system developed for arch cris based on OpenWrt project.

License: GNU GPL

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Cybersy para una comunidad Libre

cybersy (heckyel)

Sitio web de cursos y tutorías libres y gratuitos sobre el software Libre, como los sistemas operativos GNU/Linux-Libre, y otros programas como: Libreoffice, Gimp, Emacs, etc. Enseñanza de programación en los lenguajes: python, php, javascript, ruby, etc.

Con licencia GNU GPLv3

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DBus Event Daemon

dbused (nikel)

Small tool to react on signals from DBus.

Kleines Tool für Reagieren auf Signale von DBus.

Небольшая програма для реагирования на сигналы от DBus.

license: GPL3

Old page:

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dvorak (glehmann)

Le projet bépo vise à concevoir une disposition de clavier la plus ergonomique possible, à l'usage des francophones, en mettant en œuvre les techniques utilisées par August Dvorak et les évolutions qui ont suivi. Les programmes développés durant ce projet sont disponibles sous licence GPLv2 et les données produites sont diffusées avec la double licence CC-BY-SA/GFDL.

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