mropensource (ametluka)
C'est un site web qui nous permet de mettre nos créations artistiques ou celles d'une personne ayant fait une demande. Par exemple un album de musique qui sera libre de téléchargement ou une image libre d'utilisation. Nous allons donc utiliser la licence CC-BY-SA 3.0. Le contenu sera TOTALEMENT libre. Ce sera de l'Art libre. J’espère vous avoir convaincu.
msg (cygu973)
This is a project to share serious games to learn mathematics. Codes will come under GPL licence v.3. I wrote a first one using Python language and Pygame library. It's a game to learn vectors. I'd like to find beta testers and other peoples to improve my software. We could also make other projects of serious games for Mathematics learning.
msmdesk (msm123)
Un environnement de bureau libre, sécurisé et paramétrable permettant l’accès au systèmes d'authentification Active Directory et MSMdesk User Annuar(MSMdesk-auth). Dispose de la prise en charge d'extensions. Licence: GPL v3
msxpertsuite (rusconi)
This page will be used to present the msXpertSuite mass spectrometric software package.
Currently, three modules are available:
massXpert: data modelling and simulation software for linear polymers;
mineXpert: mass spectral data reader, analysis and data mining software.
Announcements of new versions, of new developments will be made here. Normal blogging about software development will belong to this page. Personal opinions might creep in from time to time, but always related to software development or software-related fields.
muaddibprod (firefog)
Le groupe qui contient les membres de l'équipe de Muad'Dib Producions (Graphisme/Programmation)
mud (keesj)
maemo (Debian) repository for different open source packages created using mud
muggle (mugglecms)
Muggle-CMS est un projet qui consiste à distribuer un CMS multi-sites Libre sous licence GPL basé sur le framework Zend.
Zend Framework est développé par la société Zend et distribué sous licence BSD.
mulesuite (darkmeteor)
MuleSuite est un projet de suite internet comprenent un CMS, un Forum, un Blog, une galerie photo, ... Cela sous license CECILL
multiboot (multibootusb)
Install multiple linux distros to USB/Flash Drive/Pendrive and boot from it. It is basically a bash script licensed under GNU GPL version 3 or later.
multicd (maybeway36)
multicd is a shell script that can combine several small live CDs (such as DSL, Puppy and Slax) into one CD/DVD ISO. It also has other features, such as floppy disk image support. The script is under the MIT/X11 License.