printacross (jlgrall)
Print images larger than a sheet of paper from your browser. AGPL-3.0
procionz (ardebaran)
ProcionZ is a portal for *nix users lovers, i post there other *nix portals links, new realeases, news, programming information and develop, everything concerning to open source worlD !!!!
profsciences (biginoz)
Projet de site concernant des cours de maths fait par deux profs , moi et mon frère. La licence est GFDL. Le projet pourrait se compléter avec la participation de plusieurs autres professeurs maths.
progettoeee (morpheus90)
Datasheets, resources and informations about our activity in "Progetto EEE", a special project and research about muons created by cosmic rays. We use open source programs to elaborate our dates, so we also share in the same way our researches, under CC-by-sa.
progettogay (davideddu)
A community for Italian gay people. Some websites already exist (a forum and a few blogs), we'd like to migrate here and merge all the content. All content will be released under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 (we don't really care about the licensing, we basically just want to help people). Users won't be allowed to upload copyrighted or inappropriate content to the boards. It's not supposed to be a meeting website, just a community to ask questions and get answers.
Content: the blog will produce articles about homosexuality in general, news, stories. I don't know if you have a rule on this, but it will be all "suitable for work" stuff. In the forum, as I said, the moderators will make sure the users don't post inappropriate stuff.
We're planning to have first a test webarea that we'll use to do some tests with moving things (we already have a forum on a free host). Then we'll actually buy a cheap domain name and actually move content on different webareas (basically three: login.* as unique openid SSO system for everything we have, forum.* and one or two blogs - I think one is better; we might add a wiki, we still have to decide, we don't want to overdo it and to use too much of your resources). We'd also like to host static content on a download repository. The blog will be based on WordPress, the board on a patched phpBB, the openid server on a patched version of Prairie ( which I'll forther edit as I don't really like the way it handles urls, and if we decide (and you allow us) to have a wiki, it'd be based either on MoinMoin or MediaWiki.
We are considering to add one or two ads (probably from RevenueHits) to pay for the FQDN. The rest will be forwarwed to you, as I (personally) really appreciate what you do.
programming (arsenelupin)
a site dedicated to help each other with programming languages ,sources will be online ,of course projects should be under the GPL license ;the goal of this si to make problems resolving encountered while programmig some project faster.
projectsmj (majestcx)
In this Project with license "Apache License 2.0", I will put all my Projects in C # where users can download the source code for free. Ok, my project is one MultiUser Chat like MSN. For my game build with Unit3D. And I'd put this project public so that everyone can use it as the basis of their future "chat" ...
projet01 (jmdel95)
Développement du projet domotique de l'association "Compétences Ile de france" (référencé sur Lost-Oasis) visible temporairement, le temps de passer sur Tux, à :
projet02 (jmdel95)
Objectifs de l'association : - Rassembler compétences et savoir-faire dans les domaines de l'informatique professionnelle et grand public,
- Partager ses ressources techniques avec toute personne, physique ou morale qui en fera la demande, - Aider les personnes handicapées à utiliser l'outil informatique, les logiciels libres, de rechercher ou de créer des activités et emplois à domicile en télétravail : . Nul besoin pour un Développeur, un Analyste Programmeur, un Formateur, handicapé, de se rendre dans les locaux de l'entreprise qui l'emploie, internet et le multimédia font que cette personne peut agir, développer ou conseiller depuis son domicile à l'aide d'un ordinateur, d'une connexion internet, un micro et une webcam. Mais voilà, il faut aussi des outils adaptés au handicap qui n'existent pas, ou alors, à prix d'or. Nous voulons les développer sur la base de logiciels libres et les installer gratuitement.
- Promouvoir, le Logiciel Libre et son développement afin de pouvoir redonner une chance aux personnes handicapées d'exercer une activité depuis leur domicile.
Ce projet est référencé chez Lost-Oasis dans la rubrique Articles : Association Compétences Ile de France