webcontainer (donkeeland)
This web server is not like the others because it's inspirated from the J2EE architecture. The goal of this web container is to permit to write fasster web services and give a set of new often used fonctionnality.
This project define an API which should be implement by a web server. This API contain all basic routines for make web service.
This project also implement the defined API into a web server as demonstration of the API usage.
Why this project ? - J2EE permit to fastly done improved websites - I don't like JAVA - I want to improve the CGI protocol so invent a new thing ;)
And for the license ? - We will use the GPL for all component of project (API, web server, documentation....)
wesnoth (pentarctagon)
The Battle for Wesnoth is an open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. It features both singleplayer and online/hotseat multiplayer combat.
Explore the world of Wesnoth and take part in its many adventures! Embark on a desperate quest to reclaim your rightful throne... Flee the Lich Lords to a new home across the sea... Delve into the darkest depths of the earth to craft a jewel of fire itself... Defend your kingdom against the ravaging hordes of a foul necromancer... Or lead a straggly band of survivors across the blazing sands to confront an unseen evil.
widgetter (boblerenard)
An application to track trains departure from a station. It's licensed under GPLV3 and was reverse engineerieed from the official SNCF application "Prochains Départs". It uses the same HTTP webservice.
wiiri (tuos)
Wiiri aims to produce an user-friendly program which allows users to treat arbitrary screens as if they were touch screens. Program uses Nintendo WiiRemote controller(s) to obtain the needed pointer data. The idea for the project is got from an extremely creative person, Johnny Lee ( http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/ ). The main reason for this project is self-education, but also a desire to develop a usable Linux version. Current Linux implementations of the concept were not completely satisfactory for the authors. The resulting program will be licensed under GNU GPL.
wincoins (bpsysgamer)
WinCoins Script is a rotator faucets easy to install and use, with unique features, among which are:
- Does not require database - Language System - reporting system - compatibility with coins: Bitcoin - DogeCoin - Litecoin (You can enable and disable these coins - from the administration panel) - not using javascript, providing quick navigation. - compatible with Open Graph (Facebook Share) - administration panel, intuitive and easy to use
This application is distributed under license GPLv3
wipetools (ban)
A set of tools and utilities for wiping data.
The set currently contains: * libgsecuredelete, a GObject wrapper library for the secure-delete tools; * nautilus-wipe, a Nautilus extension providing wiping integration.
These programs and libraries are all free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3+.
wsp (sliim)
WSP (Web-Server-Panel) est une application Web développée en PHP5 avec Zend Framework permettant de mettre en place et de configurer un serveur Web sur une plateforme LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP).
wto (difool)
WTO est un programme écrit en Python + GTK, distribué sous Licence GPL v3 et permettant de visionner la WebTv d'Orange sans avoir à passer par un navigateur.
xinutop (marinux)
Xinutop-nav is a Linux portable marine OS, including a lightweight base applications from Xfce family, and provide, with less of 400Mo, essential marine applications such as:
- Fldigi: reception and display radio weather-fax and NAVTEX, via the sound card. - OpenCPN: chartplotter, tides, AIS, grib files, GPS interface and others navigation datas (dashboard). - Polarcom: virtual instrumentation, from NMEA datas. - XTide: tides with numerical and graphical display, worldwide coverage. - Zygrib: download and display weather grib files. - Muplex: NMEA multiplexer. - OSD Depth: display water depth with big digits above any application (aka "on top").
Xinutop is made with a special care of lightness, simplicity, efficacy, reliability and can operate from multiple datas supports (HDD, SSD, USB, Flash) on a great variety of i386 compatible computers, specially with low power processors, or those unfairly considered as obsolete, poorly supporting the growing greed of currents OS, less and less compatible with embedded hardware. Xinutop can run as a portable operating system on removable device, but also as a main operating system on hard drive (same install). The memory usage after startup is about 100MB. To make Xinutop unbreakable (may I say "unbrickable" or almost ?), the necessary sytem files and directories are locked and can't be deleted or modified by a normal way (even in root mode).
Xinutop is assembled with Ubuntu 12.04 packages (Precise), including the scripts "lrd" by Gauvain Pocentek and provide:
- A robust architecture (main file system in squashfs, no write access). - A persistent mode that allows to keep the datas and system changes in user layer (as Linux-Android system). - A restore mode, allowing to findnize exactly the original system (simply by deleting the user layer). - A "home-save" function, to automatically save and move user home datas during a restoration. - A ramdisk mode, which boost time access, running Xinutop from a virtual harddisk emulated in memory. - The full compatibility with applications of the Ubuntu distribution.
Xinutop is under GPL V3, then you are free to use, distribute and modify it, but at your own risk and under your own responsability !
xnlegacies (gplanchat)
XNova:Legacies est le fork de XNova, un jeu de combat spatial écrit en PHP. Le projet vise à reforger l'essentiel du code source pour le rendre plus propre, plus performant et lui donner une seconde jeunesse en le rendant souple et évolutif.
Le code source du projet est distribué sous licence GNU/GPL v3.