egrafs (donbala)
An Octave suite of programs to estimate the gravity field of the Earth using spaceborne gravimetry concepts.
This project is libre software. This software can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
EGRAFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
electronlibr (chtirat)
Sur ce wiki, vous trouverez des tutoriels, des tests (par exemple les kits Adafruit), des nouveautés sur tout se qui se rapproche à l’électronique libre. (arduino, IOIO etc...)
Dans ce Wiki sera aussi présent des créations d'outils pédagogiques (modules d'exposition) libres de droit.
Évidement tous les projets décrits, mêmes si il ne proviennent pas tous de moi (compile d'articles sous CC By SA), seront sous licence Creative Comons By Share Alike.
enlibertad (tzk)
Educar en Libertad es un proyecto pedagógico-político de opción libertaria que busca promover a través de la difusión de la filosofía y la documentación de software libre; la participación del público en general en el mejoramiento de su comunidad.
Además de tutoriales y documentación formal, nos proponemos incluir en el proyecto productos de la cultura de la comunidad, desde el legado gastronómico, hasta la arquitectura y fiestas tradicionales; promoviendo la reflexión de la comunidad acerca de los significados simbólicos de su cultura y las intencionalidades implícitas en sus prácticas culturales.
En principio las contribuciones se liberarán bajo la licencia CC-BY-SA 3.0 (Atribución,Reciprocidad,Internacional). Estamos estudiando la licencia GFDL, pero nos parece de momento innecesariamente compleja y pretendemos que nuestros compañeros participantes adopten voluntariamente la licencia para subir sus propias colaboraciones al repositorio.
Cabe aclarar que este proyecto se concibe como un "proyecto raíz" a partir del cual podrían generarse de acuerdo a la participación de los interesados, algunos proyectos autónomos aunque relacionados, gestionados por sus propios coordinadores.
epidermis (flimm)
Epidermis is a theme manager for GNOME, it handles GTK, metacity, icon, splash, usplash, cursor, grub and GDM themes and combines them into one installable theme. Epidermis is open source, it's released under GPLv2. Epidermis used to be called Complete Look, I decided to rename it to Epidermis sooner rather than later.
esoteric (ohdae)
Esoteric is a forensic toolkit that helps you with the report creation process. The application will parse data from various forensic applications and Maltego maps and turn that data into full PDF reports and/or dossiers. You will be able to choose from different base-templates depending on which report outline best suits your needs. Encryption is also available for encrypting both your Maltego maps and your final PDF reports.
This application will be released under the GNU GPL. The full source code and all updates and development progress will be available via Git repository. Users may use the code how they wish and if they want to be part of the official development, I am always looking for people to help out.
espr (sdodo)
This project is intended to distribute ESP-r packages for linux distribution (debian for beginning) ESP-r is an integrated energy modelling tool for the simulation of the thermal, visual and acoustic performance of buildings and the energy use and gaseous emissions associated with associated environmental control systems. In undertaking its assessments, the system is equipped to model heat, air, moisture and electrical power flows at user determined resolution. License: GPL-2+ ESP-r is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version two of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The packaging of ESP-r is under GPLv2+
evinux (tigrou)
Evinux ( est un projet de l'association Linucie ( Il s'agit d'un LiveCD léger de part les choix fait pour l'interface graphique et des logiciels présents (une application par tâche).
Nous désirons ouvrir ce projet chez tuxfamily principalement pour héberger les informations sur ce LiveCD, pouvoir utiliser le service subversion dans le développement des scripts spécifiques à Evinux ou pour tracer les modifications faites sur ceux de Knoppix et héberger les images iso générées.
Pour de plus amples information, n'hésitez pas à me contacter : fred at
Frédéric AUPEPIN
evol (akaras)
An open source 2D MMORPG running on multiple platforms. Evol, because it is constantly evolving. Online, because it is an online game, obviously. Server side is built upon TMW's eAthena (a C game engine) fork, with some features and bugs corrections backported from mainline eAthena releases. It has been made to be as compatible as possible with the current TMW graphical game clients. However, most of the scripting part has been carefully designed and created from scratch, and it is free. So just enjoy it!
exult (dominus)
Exult is an open source, GPL-2.0, cross platform reimplementation of the Ultima VII engine. Ultima VII is a DOS game created by Origin in 1992. On top of that we feature a GTK+3 based tool to create your own mods and games with this engine. Development of Exult has started in 1998 and has been on SourceForge since 2000. Our website is at
ffdiaporama (domledom)
Créateur de film vidéo à partir de titres, de photos et de clips vidéo.
ffDiaporama est le grand frère du projet Videoporama également hébergé sur tuxfamily. (Il est développé et maintenu par les mêmes contributeurs). Il est conçu en Qt, plutôt qu'en Python-Qt, et est placé sous licence libre GPL v2.
ffDiaporama inclus de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités tel que : - une preview "temps réel" - des filtres graphiques (luminosité, contraste, gamma, couleurs, etc...) - de nouveaux effets Ken Burns (rotation, filtres, etc...) - de nouvelles transitions (près de 140 au total) - la génération des films en 1 passe - une nouvelle timeline - de nouveaux effets de textes etc...