sucksub (gomorrhe)
sucksub est un ensemble de modules et de scripts perl destiner à faciliter la recherche, la collecte et le classement des sous-titres accessibles sur divers sites web pour un usage personnel. Le projet est placé sous l'Artistic Licence, de la même façon que perl et les modules du CPAN ( Ce projet était initialement hébergé par l'apinc ( dont le service devlibre a cessé. L'implémentation d'une interface gtk+ est envisagée à terme.
sudoku (jey)
"Master Su-Doku" is a Free game (under the GPL license, v2 or later), aimed to be able to solve and generate randomly any sudoku puzzle.
"Master Su-Doku" (Maître Su-Doku) est un jeu Libre (sous licence GPL, v2 ou ultérieure) capable de résoudre et de générer aléatoirement des grilles de sudoku.
sudokulibre (jean)
programme sous GPL et avec freepascal d'élaboration et de réalisation de problèmes dits sudoku.
sunaku (snk)
This is a TuxFamily project for hosting several of my small open source (see license below) tools, my contributions to other open source projects, and my simple HTML website (which contains writings about open source software, Linux, and Ruby programming).
I am growing tired of maintaining separate project websites & forums & mailing lists for all these so I would like to gather them together in one place.
Here is the source code for my tools and contributions:
My tools are released either under the MIT license or the following "copyleft variation" of the MIT license:
sunlab (baud)
L'objectif du Sunlab est de permettre l'accès à des projets électronique, robotique, mais aussi couture, découpeuse laser, imprimante 3D. Les documentations sont mises à disposition sous licence CC-by-SA, les logiciels sous licence libre GPL 3.
survey (kkarpack)
A WordPress plugin to help users to build, design, and administer surveys. Designed particularly for UX professionals who are seeking to publish white label, self-hosted surveys for free.
Licensed under GNU/GPL.
svnupdate (firstbit)
A script to automatically and rapidly update all your svn programs. It's just a shell script but i'm working on a cool interface! Distributed under GPL license.
swarteam (311)
Un STR en 3D visant un gameplay efficace lié à un background original.
A 3D RTS with an efficient gameplay linked with an original background.
Licence: CeCILL 2
swhwts (chgans)
Technologic System ( has some nice ARM based boards (TS-72XX, TS-73XX, TS-78XX), this project aims to: - Add support for these boards in OpenEmbedded ( - Provide both a stable and an unstable linux kernel - Provides associated tools and software. - Provides a central place for documentation and other tips, tricks and hacks.
LICENSE: ======== - All patches and contributions to any "open source" project will be published under the same license as the project they target. - All new software work will be published under GPL or LGPL. - All new hardware work and all documentation will be published under FDL. - Any non-free stuff will be banned.