wattsdb (kereoz)
WattsDB aims to provide information about power consumption of today's laptops running Linux. This project and it's content is under the terms of the GPL licence.
webalasta (alasta)
Site contenant des tutos Linux, CISCO, OpenBSD, réseaux, ... Le site est sous license Art Libre
webchart (oao)
Creation of web charts -aka spider charts- with the library raphael js.
Project under the MIT licence.
webcontainer (donkeeland)
This web server is not like the others because it's inspirated from the J2EE architecture. The goal of this web container is to permit to write fasster web services and give a set of new often used fonctionnality.
This project define an API which should be implement by a web server. This API contain all basic routines for make web service.
This project also implement the defined API into a web server as demonstration of the API usage.
Why this project ? - J2EE permit to fastly done improved websites - I don't like JAVA - I want to improve the CGI protocol so invent a new thing ;)
And for the license ? - We will use the GPL for all component of project (API, web server, documentation....)
webcordapt (itai)
A Debian (apt) repository for WebCord: https://github.com/SpacingBat3/electron-discord-webapp (MIT license)
Updates usually arrive a few hours after a new release. Please note that this repository is unofficial (though the creator of WebCord knows about it), so if you have any installation problems please open a issue here: https://github.com/Itai-Nelken/electron-discord-webapp_debian-repo/issues/new and not in the WebCord git Repository.
webdevlearn (qyful)
Oliwier Sporny's personal website which is aimed to provide resources for those who want to learn programming and become more productive in everyday life.
Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0
webflyblog (wfblog)
Wf-blog est un script de blog ptoposé sous licence gpl v2. Doté de fonctionnalités comme les flux Rss, une gestion des spams commentaires, une gestion des pages, etc. Ce script est en perpétuelle évolution pour vous garantir le meilleur.
webgym (palpa)
Software para administración de gimnasios, en el cual se podrá registrar las actividades, crear rutinas personalizadas para sus clientes, llevar los gastos y ganancias, reservas de turnos si contaran con algún servicio que lo necesite, entre otras cosas. Licencia GPL
webidsys (webid)
WebID est un système d'accès centralisée aux données d'authentification il sera développé en PHP et disponible en Open-Source sous license GNU / GPL.
webmedintux (medintux)
site web du projet libre sous licence cecill MedinTux. Suite logicielle de gestion de cabinet medical