grassesp (juda87)
Web dedicated to offer some help to any user of GRASS in spanish throught manuals and blogs with tips and tutorials (HOWTOs) under the GNU General Public License.
iglu (xanilom)
El Iglú es un portal de ayuda para conseguir e instalar los mejores juegos libres (código abierto) para Kubuntu. Incluye ordenamiento por categorías, información detallada de instalación, enlace a los sitios de descarga oficiales, y pantallazos.
kaosfantasy (kaoseto)
Multilingual, cultural project for free fantasy novels under cc-by license.
Projet culturel et multilingue de romans libres de fantasy sous licence cc-by.
Proyecto cultural y multilingüe de novelas libres de fantasía bajo licencia cc-by.
karel (cbolufer)
Learn the fundamentals of programming using professor Richard E. Pattis' methodology, exposed in his book "Karel the Robot". This is a web project written fully in Javascript / HTML and distributed under a GPL license.
lanux (rrubio)
Distribuicao do linux para maquinas de jogos e lan houses.
It's a Linux distro for game machines and game houses.
lavilladel6 (jalbam)
La villa del seis is a multiplatform point-and-click graphical adventure in PHP and DHTML. Also, you can play it like a text adventure (interactive fiction) on a text browser or without JavaScript. You can use the motor to make your own adventure. The game uses Yasmina's Quest motor but altered and improved. You can use the motor/engine/parser to create your own adventure if you know PHP and JavaScript. Tested under PC (Windows, BeOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Syllable, SkyOS, etc), MAC (Mac OS 7.1, Mac OS X), console (Nintendo DS, PSP), etc. The game and motor are under MPL 1.1 license.
lcma (jalbam)
La Carta Mas Alta is an open source card game totally written in PHP and HTML. This cross-platform and cross-browser game was tested under BeOS, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Windows and others.
libremail (bech)
Suites d'outils pour la rédaction, la consultation le filtrage le téléchargement et l'envoi de courriers électroniques. Tout ça en licence libre sur un site en 8 langues.
lilicreator (slym)
LiLi USB Creator is a free and open-source (under GPLv3 licence terms) software for Windows that allows you to create a bootable USB key with a linux on it, with integrated virtualization.
linuxlife (deckerix)
Una aplicación web donde dar a conocer linux, los programas que uso en lugar de windows, como hacer ferente a los pequeños escollos como son configurar las X, escuchar la radio, y presentar una serie de tutoriales.., y mis proyectos gtk
licencia GPL