tesseract (eihrul)
Tesseract is a first-person shooter game focused on instagib deathmatch and capture-the-flag gameplay as well as cooperative in-game map editing.
Tesseract provides a unique engine derived from Cube 2: Sauerbraten technology but with upgraded modern rendering techniques. The new rendering features include fully dynamic shadows, global illumination, HDR lighting, deferred shading, morphological/temporal/multisample anti-aliasing, and much more.
Tesseract's engine is open source with a permissive zlib-style license. Tesseract's media content is individually licensed and includes a mixture of public domain, Creative Commons, and possibly non-commercial licenses.
tnfos (qchmqs)
Forking SuperTuxKart, and changing it to a need for speed(underground 2) clone,car tunning race in the city, and a lot, the main reason to do so is to provide a race-game on GPL, there is no such,
toastertech (planglois)
This is a personal website and blog about free software and hardware. The purpose is to share both tutorials/articles/hacks as well as personal projects in order to show how easy and fun experimenting with technology can be.
Why "Toaster" ?
- Hacking with a toaster was the very firt idea I had as a kid, since then I've always somehow liked tosaters... - "Toasters" is a familiar word for the "cylons" in Battlestar Galactica TV series. A robot is nothing but a smart toaster.
Licencing information:
- Every projects will be released under GPL or LGPL. - Tutorials, blog posts or any other contents including graphics will be under CC BY-SA.
tode (baldetti)
The Open Donut Environment, est un projet Français de développement d'un nouvel environnement de bureau libre, sous licence GNU GPLv3 pour GNU/Linux. The Open Donut Environment n'est pas un environnement de bureau comme les autres. Il s'inspire des navigateurs fournis par les plus grandes marques d'ordinateurs dans les années 90, en forme de maison. Ce genre de navigateur ayant complètement disparu depuis la fin des années 90, puis tombé dans l'oubli, est le maître mot du concept du projet. The Open Donut Environment, contrairement à la plupart des environnements de bureau, est conçu pour les utilisateurs qui aiment prendre le temps dans leurs loisirs sur ordinateur pour contempler le côté eye-candy de l'interface graphique. L'environnement est codé en C++, avec les bibliothèques SDL.
topy (zmoo)
Topy est un serveur de statistiques en temps réels écrit en C++ basé sur la libevent. Ce logiciel développé pour la plateforme de blogs de Skyrock (Topy produit des stats pour plus de 15 millions d'utilisateurs et permet de produire des classements d'utilisateurs en temps réel) est distribué sous licence GPL v3.
u3d (pino)
The U3D tools aim to provide a way to read and render 3D data in the U3D (Universal 3D) format.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v2+.
vpg (mzf)
VST Preset Generator is a software to create randomly (or semi-randomly) generated presets for your favorite VST instruments and effects. (VST = Steinberg Virtual Sound Technology).
License: GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)
Categories: Editors, Sound Synthesis, Composition, VST
webcontainer (donkeeland)
This web server is not like the others because it's inspirated from the J2EE architecture. The goal of this web container is to permit to write fasster web services and give a set of new often used fonctionnality.
This project define an API which should be implement by a web server. This API contain all basic routines for make web service.
This project also implement the defined API into a web server as demonstration of the API usage.
Why this project ? - J2EE permit to fastly done improved websites - I don't like JAVA - I want to improve the CGI protocol so invent a new thing ;)
And for the license ? - We will use the GPL for all component of project (API, web server, documentation....)
webmedintux (medintux)
site web du projet libre sous licence cecill MedinTux. Suite logicielle de gestion de cabinet medical
wesnoth (pentarctagon)
The Battle for Wesnoth is an open source, turn-based strategy game with a high fantasy theme. It features both singleplayer and online/hotseat multiplayer combat.
Explore the world of Wesnoth and take part in its many adventures! Embark on a desperate quest to reclaim your rightful throne... Flee the Lich Lords to a new home across the sea... Delve into the darkest depths of the earth to craft a jewel of fire itself... Defend your kingdom against the ravaging hordes of a foul necromancer... Or lead a straggly band of survivors across the blazing sands to confront an unseen evil.