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mars (andjurka)

Tutoriels, exemples, liens concernant le raytracing et webgl.

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massXpert, a mass spectrometric free software project

massxpert (rusconi)

massXpert is a cross-platfrom software program to simulate and analyse mass spectrometric data obtained on linear (bio-)polymers. Three modules allow 1) making brand new polymer chemistry definitions; 2) using the definitions to perform easy calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and 3) performing sophisticated polymer sequence editing and simulations. Chemical simulations encompass cleavage (either chemical or enzymatic), gas-phase fragmentations, chemical modification of any monomer in the polymer sequence, monomer cross-links, arbitrary mass searches, calculation of the isotopic pattern...

massXpert is Free Software published under the General Public License version 3+ (GPL v3 or later).

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Merry Turnip

merryturnip (davyg)

Ce projet a pour but de creer pour commencer une petite demo d'un jeu d'aventure. Je n'est pour l'instant aucune idée de scénario mais j'ai déjà un nom de jeu c'est pas mal.

J'ai déjà programmé pas mal de chose comme le "ramassage d'objet", leur combinaison, l'ouverture de porte, le son...

Je travail sous ubuntu et fedora je tape mon code source avec gedit et je le compile avec make.

J'utilise irrlicht comme moteur 3d et irrklang pour le son.

Pour creer les sons j'utilise audacity, les images the gimp et la plupart des modèles sont tiré de mais réexporter par blender au format b3d. Et je crée quelque model simple sous blender

This project aims to create first a little demo of an adventure game. For now i have no idea of any script but it will come. However i have code a lot of stuff like inventory, sound, item combination ... I forget to precise that it is a 3d game who use irrlicht as 3d motor and irrklang as sound motor.

It's coded in c++ with gedit(notepad) under ubuntu and fedora 9.

I have get most of my 3d model from blogscopia an Spanish company who give 3d model under Creative Commons 3.0 :

Le jeux est totalement configurable par de simple fichier xml, j'entends par configurable, que tel objet se combine avec tel autre, que tel objet se trouve içi... sont placés dans des xmls.

Se principe permet de transformer la démo prévue à l'origine en un jeu complet avec multiple chapitre. Pour cela il me faudrait un scénario et du temps ou bien encore de l'aide.

A oui j'allais oublié les fameuses license, L'ensemble du code source est sous : GPLv3,( Les modèles 3d, les images, les sons et tous se qui n'est pas du code est sous la license Creative commons 3.0 unported disponible içi :

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Metal Tower

metaltower (razi)

A free open-source clone of Icy Tower in 3D on license GPL

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Mezyakov Mihail's (aka kennyz) open source programs

mezyakov (kennyz)

Place of kennyz's programs on java, C++, python with sources under the GNU GPL

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miniini (kiithsa)

MiniINI is a a free/open source (X11/MIT License), minimalistic, fast and simple to use C++ library for reading ini (or cfg) files. It has no dependencies and should compile on any platform with a standard compliant C++ compiler (although it requires C99 support).

The goal of MiniINI is not to support a myriad of extensions to the common INI format, but to be easy to use and to read (and, in future, write) ini files as quickly as possible.

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Mission Nain Possible

mnplejeu (mnp)

Mission Nain Possible, MNP pour les intimes est un jeu en 3D basé sur un concept très simple : aidez le nain à sortir du donjon avec un max de pièces. L'ambiance du jeu est médiéval-fantastique avec un ton humoristique. Mais comment l'aider à sortir ? C'est très simple: levier, grille, trappe, téléporteur, caisse en bois, tout ça vous aidera (ou pas...) à le faire sortir avec un max de pièces d'or!

Ce jeu est diffusé sous une licence LGPL, pour être le moins contraignant possible.

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Monkey Studio IDE

monkeystudio (pasnox)

Monkey Studio is a Free crossplatform Qt © 4 IDE licensed under GPL2 & GPL3.

It's primary goal was to offer a crossplatform IDE for Qt 4 prjects. It's now advance enough to extends it with plugins to allow custom projects type to be recognize ( vcproj, cmake ... ).

Same Development Environment on all Platforms It's developped using the Qt library itself. So it should run on every platform that Qt© 4 supports. This way you can work on your progress on every platforms in the same IDE. Developing cross-platform software can be so easy!

Uses Qt Project Files Monkey Studio uses Qt Project File (.pro) to manage the project. There are no extra files created. If you want to switch to other tools, the sources will not have any extra, IDE specific file cruft. Just the code you need.

And several other tools to ease coding:

project creation wizard synthax highlighting code completion gdb integration ability to manage files per platforms And so many that we can't enumerat all there !

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Music Organizer

morg (jackieteam)

Music Organizer,, is a free software which deals with musical files (like mp3). It manage your collection by editing, managing tags and organize files from their tags. First it was made using Python but for version 2.0 it has been rewritten in C++. The program runs both on Windows, Linux and Mac. It's use wxWigets for the GUI and taglib for tags reading/writting. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

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msXpertSuite: the expert massist's software suite

msxpertsuite (rusconi)

This page will be used to present the msXpertSuite mass spectrometric software package.

Currently, three modules are available:

massXpert: data modelling and simulation software for linear polymers;

mineXpert: mass spectral data reader, analysis and data mining software.

Announcements of new versions, of new developments will be made here. Normal blogging about software development will belong to this page. Personal opinions might creep in from time to time, but always related to software development or software-related fields.

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