


Details for group massXpert, a mass spectrometric free software project

General information

  • Groupname: massxpert
  • Users: rusconi, lmamane
  • Description:

    massXpert is a cross-platfrom software program to simulate and analyse mass spectrometric data obtained on linear (bio-)polymers. Three modules allow 1) making brand new polymer chemistry definitions; 2) using the definitions to perform easy calculations in a desktop calculator-like manner and 3) performing sophisticated polymer sequence editing and simulations. Chemical simulations encompass cleavage (either chemical or enzymatic), gas-phase fragmentations, chemical modification of any monomer in the polymer sequence, monomer cross-links, arbitrary mass searches, calculation of the isotopic pattern...

    massXpert is Free Software published under the General Public License version 3+ (GPL v3 or later).





    This page will be used to present the massXpert mass spectrometric data simulation/analysis software to the public. Announcements of new versions, of new developments will be made here. Normal blogging about software development will belong to this page. Personal opinions might creep in from time to time, but always related to software development or software-related fields.


    Main site for the massXpert software.

    This page will be used to present the massXpert mass spectrometric data simulation/analysis software to the public. Announcements of new versions, of new developments will be made here. Normal blogging about software development will belong to this page. Personal opinions might creep in from time to time, but always related to software development or software-related fields.

GIT Repositories

  • massxpert/massxpert.git

    This git repository will make the source of the massXpert software project available to the outside world.