msxpertsuite (rusconi)
This page will be used to present the msXpertSuite mass spectrometric software package.
Currently, three modules are available:
massXpert: data modelling and simulation software for linear polymers;
mineXpert: mass spectral data reader, analysis and data mining software.
Announcements of new versions, of new developments will be made here. Normal blogging about software development will belong to this page. Personal opinions might creep in from time to time, but always related to software development or software-related fields.
myrtsch (myrtscht)
This project contains a program and a module, both written in Perl, which help you to run tournaments (or parts of them) using the round robin system. Firstly it was aimed to be used for table tennis (there the "t" in the end of "myrtscht" comes from). But over the time it will develop to be game independent.
The license will be the combination of GPL and Artistic License used by Perl.
oclaunch (leowzukw)
Petit programme écrit en OCaml, permettant de lancer facilement et automatiquement des commandes lorsqu'il est appelé.
Vous trouverez ici le code, déjà disponible sur Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/Framagit, mais surtout une page web explicative et une liste de diffusion.
Ce programme est sous licence CeCILL.
Dépôt git actuel :
opendungeons (akien)
OpenDungeons is an open source, real time strategy game sharing game elements with the Dungeon Keeper series and Evil Genius. Players build an underground dungeon which is inhabited by creatures. Players fight each other for control of the underground by indirectly commanding their creatures, directly casting spells in combat, and luring enemies into sinister traps.
The game is developed by a friendly community of developers and artists, and has now reached a quite playable and enjoyable status after more than 6 years of development.
Licensing: The code in under the GPLv3 license (except for one bundled dependency, angelscript, which is under the zlib license) [1]. The art assets and non-code text files are under various DFSG-free licenses: CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC-BY 3.0, CC0, OFL, GPLv2+, GPLv3+, MIT [2].
[1] [2]
pitvwebsite (grbavacigla)
Smart TV for Raspberry Pi built on AlpineLinux. It (will) supports movies and tv series, songs, weather forecast, streaming, online accounts! Features user authentication and session control. It is secure, you can change your password and revoke sessions. Written in Django (only bootstrap javascript). More features to come. Licensed under GPLv3.
qnetsoul (leflou)
Client netsoul (protocole utilisé au sein du campus IONIS) multiplateforme (Qt). Le programme est sous licence GPLv3.
rdckgamedocs (rdckgames)
Información basada en Creative Commons license CC-SA, sobre nuestro proceso de desarrollo de vídeojuegos y tutoriales.
recaged (slinger)
ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.
With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.
All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).
More information, downloads and git repository can be found at:
reflxnum (adumondel)
Site personnel de partage photographique et d'hacktivisme.
Le but est de partager un point de vue sur notre société numérisée, la traduire par des photos de notre temps et de réfléchir sur des évènements contemporains.
CC-BY-SA 3.0
scengine (yno)
The SCEngine project, which stands for Simple C Engine, is a set of tools and libraries distributed under the GNU GPLv3 providing an OpenGL rendering engine. It intends to break the compatibility with the old versions of the GL in order to offer a large set of modern rendering techniques.