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openblox (johnmh)

OpenBlox is a free and open source (LGPLv3) game engine, implementing an easy to use Lua API, similar to that of the proprietary ROBLOX engine. The reference implementation client, studio as well as the studio software are available under the GPLv3.

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Openyze Arts

openyze (yze)

Gallery of original works, including some or all of: art, animation, music, sound, source assets, code, tutorials, articles, etc, under libre licenses including: Creative Commons, Free Art License, GPL, etc.

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owaves bay

owaves (rfouard)

Owaves Bay is a website who show how it's easy to create games with Open Source Engines. All codes on this site will be under GPL, and I want to create my personnal game with Ogre to support the Open Source for software.

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phototropes (lightbeam)

Site de galeries regroupant images de synthèse créées avec povray et photographies personnelles (Univers Pentax essentiellement) Diverses infos sur l'utilisation du logiciel libre qu'est povray, liens utiles et forum d'entraide... Sous licence "GPL et Art Libre" (images issues de povray ou blender en l'occurence).

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projectsmj (majestcx)

In this Project with license "Apache License 2.0", I will put all my Projects in C # where users can download the source code for free. Ok, my project is one MultiUser Chat like MSN. For my game build with Unit3D. And I'd put this project public so that everyone can use it as the basis of their future "chat" ...

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rdckgame documentación CC0


recaged (slinger)

ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.

With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.

All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).

More information, downloads and git repository can be found at:

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riton3d (riton)


Me revoila avec mon projet de bbok pour mes créations faites avec des logiciels libres (Blender, Gimp, Inkscape, Artweaver...). Après une petite discussion sur le forum avec les administrateurs les images seront finalement enrergistrées sous CC BY-SA 3.0.


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scengine (yno)

The SCEngine project, which stands for Simple C Engine, is a set of tools and libraries distributed under the GNU GPLv3 providing an OpenGL rendering engine. It intends to break the compatibility with the old versions of the GL in order to offer a large set of modern rendering techniques.

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scoretarot (seraf1)

Score Tarot est un logiciel permettant de compter les points au tarot, de réaliser des statistiques sur la partie en cours ou sur toutes les parties précédemment jouées. Ce logiciel est développé à l'aide de Gambas et est disponible en GPL

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