puzzle (grunge)
BSD-licensed softwares, ports, patches etc... Personal stuffs related to open-source projects.
q3min (q3admin)
The aim of the Q3MIN project is the creation of a freely distributable minimalistic game package compatible with Quake III Arena originally created by id Software. The package should be as small as possible and be able to provide all the functionality (game code and artwork) needed to load and play freely distributable levels (maps) that were created as add-ons for Quake III Arena. Game code shall be based on the ioquake3 engine (distributed under the GPL). Artwork shall be either created by our developers or adapted from existing freely distributable (GPL) games. We also plan to introduce modifications and new features to the game engine to enhance playing experience.
rdckgamedocs (rdckgames)
Información basada en Creative Commons license CC-SA, sobre nuestro proceso de desarrollo de vídeojuegos y tutoriales.
recaged (slinger)
ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.
With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.
All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).
More information, downloads and git repository can be found at: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/recaged/
sarasvati (ffournier)
sarasvati est un ensemble de logiciel libre destiné à traiter de la musique en GPL V3. - créer des librairies de sons. - charger les librairies de sons. - jouer de la musique (midi). - ecrire de la musique (pas encore fait). Le code est en java avec des bridges en C. Le tout buildé avec maven du projet Apache.
sawfishpager (nano)
The native pager of the Sawfish windowmanager.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2+
scengine (yno)
The SCEngine project, which stands for Simple C Engine, is a set of tools and libraries distributed under the GNU GPLv3 providing an OpenGL rendering engine. It intends to break the compatibility with the old versions of the GL in order to offer a large set of modern rendering techniques.
scrippets (jjl)
Un espace pour regrouper et diffuser tous mes petits scripts et applications sous licence libre qui ne méritent pas un projet à part entière.
Par exemple : - pyGetMeteo : un script permettant de regrouper sur une page toutes les informations météo d'une région - easyAdmin : un script shell offrant une interface simple pour surveiller/manager un serveur sans interface graphique - rasterCatalog : un plugin pour QGis permettant de cataloguer et de retrouver facilement des cartes géolocalisées
Tous ces scripts sont sous licence GPLv2
sd84 (sloane)
Librairie en C pour la carte USB SD84 de la société Devantech. Cette librairie contient 3 types de fonctions: - Entrée/sortie numérique. - Sortie pour servomoteurs de modélisme. - Entrées analogiques 10 bits.
Cette librairie et livrée avec des exemples indépendants: - allumer/éteindre une LED, - faire l'acquisition d'une valeur analogique convertie en une valeur numérique - pilotage de servos moteur. Makefile, readme, quelques photos et autres documentation relatif aux exemples.
Ce projet est distribué sous la licence GPL.
sgsearch (frankendres)
SGSearch is a frontend to the "find" and "grep" commands allowing respectively to search for file names or file content. It is meant to be a companion to file managers like Thunar (XFCE).
This software is governed by the CeCILL license (CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre) under French law, compatible with the GPL (General Public License).