4232 (bazza)
Hola! I’m Bazza, a Argentinian artist creating an Sci-Fi animation called 4232. 4232 is about a future where humans are turned into robots.
All the designs are hand made and the background are all hand painted.
I’m making the animation exclusively with free software, like: gimp, inkscape, synfig, blender, g’mic, audacity . And I’m developing scripts and software to produce the animation that I’ll published along with the new scene delivery.
Es un proyecto libre bajo licencia CC-BY-SA y los videos son libres bajo esta licencia. desarrollo programas bajo licencia AGPLv3+
hanshatek (seishin)
Hanshateki est un ensemble de projet pour la création d'un logiciel pour l'artchitecture paysagère.
mcv2 (mickaelji)
(PHP/AJAX) Comics book database with collaborative tools for Geeks.
Stock, share and manage your collection online with powerfull tools.
LGPL Project.
toastertech (planglois)
This is a personal website and blog about free software and hardware. The purpose is to share both tutorials/articles/hacks as well as personal projects in order to show how easy and fun experimenting with technology can be.
Why "Toaster" ?
- Hacking with a toaster was the very firt idea I had as a kid, since then I've always somehow liked tosaters... - "Toasters" is a familiar word for the "cylons" in Battlestar Galactica TV series. A robot is nothing but a smart toaster.
Licencing information:
- Every projects will be released under GPL or LGPL. - Tutorials, blog posts or any other contents including graphics will be under CC BY-SA.