s13backports (spitfire)
Repository for Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" holding packages backported from upcoming Ubuntu 9.04 "jaunty Jackalope" , Debian unstable & experimental + some external, that didn't made it to get into one of distributions mentioned above.
sabayon (sabayonfr)
Communauté française de la distribution Sabayon Linux, basée sur Gentoo et qui inclut les dernières avancées technologiques. Cette communauté comprend un wiki de documentation, un forum et évoluera sans doute (blog, ...)
sabayonfr2 (legnou)
Portail de la communauté francophone de Sabayon.
Sabayon Linux est une distribution Linux basée sur Gentoo, créée par Fabio Erculiani.
Contrairement à Gentoo qui installe tout le système à partir du code source, Sabayon installe le système de base à partir de paquets pré-compilés.
sadk (bidou)
construction d'un site web pour aider les élèves d'angellier et d'ailleurs à réussir dans les sciences physiques. le site contiendra des tuto vidéos sous licence creative commons by SA d'applications pédagogiques(généris), et d'utilisation de logiciels libres. il contiendra également un petit calendrier des activités à faire ainsi que des cours libres en sciences physiques sous licence GNU Free Documentation License.
safecrit (julien)
Project that publishes news and software for safety-critical systems that are published under free licenses (especially GPL and BSD).
safegame (nistur)
Building ground for central server and client API for providing a feature to save game progress in a remote, central location. Would allow continuation of single player games from any computer - possibly different platforms and syncronisation between games. Could be used for web interface showing high scores etc. Published under GPLv3
saigkillsblg (saigkill)
A Blog about OpenSource, Ruby and Mono. The content is licensed by CC-BY-SA.
saigonlug (stk)
The website of the Saigon GNU/Linux User Group, a group of *nix and FLOSS advocates in Saigon, Vietnam.
For each kind of content, we will use an appropriate free license: We will use GPL and BSD for code, GFDL and CC by-sa for documentation, wiki, presentation... in order to keep all of our contents remain free (as in freedom).
saisy (hitmuri)
Projet du groupe de dub/electro Saisy. Morceaux publiés sous licence art libre.
salive (anila)
A tiny linux live distro for old computers. Mainly aiming for computers with low RAM. All the widely used broadband connections in Sri Lanka will work in salive. This project also tries to spread knowledge about GNU, Linux and Open Source softwares in Sri Lanka.
salive is a free project. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL2 License, or any later version.