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pyaudiodb (dal)

python-audiodb is a library to manage audio song via database. It offers several default tables such as play, stop, seek events but you can easily add new tables.

It generates an audioprint (based on chromaprint) and uses it as the song id in database. This permits to be stable over file moving, renaming, tagging and maybe more ...

A cli client is provided to get some information from database.

All python-audiodb modules are released under the terms of GPL 3.

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pycave (setthe)

Coban : Logiciel de calculs électriques orienté "Électricité générale" Permet le calcul de sections de câbles, de focales de caméras, de puissance calorifiques...

Écrit en python / wxpython sous licence CeCILL

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pydhcplib (tamtam)

pydhcplib is a independant pure python library to build client/server dhcp programs.

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pyevolution (shenshei)

C'est un clone de NaturalChimie sous licence GPL, et qui à pour thème l'évolution plutot que la chimie.

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python games

pygames (gremy)

Regroupe quelques jeux écrit en python (à commencer par une implémentation de pong).

Licence MIT

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pygeek (pynerd)

PyNerd is an Open Source Integrated Development Environment for the Python programming language done using WxPython,it can be modified,redistributed under the GNU Public License.

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pygrabber (jol)

Pygrabber is a binary newsgroup reader. It aims to be easy to use and work well. It is written in python and use the twisted and wxPython API. It is released under the GPL License.

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pyirc (infinity)

Site traitant du langage de programmation python dont son contenu est des scripts (plugins) pour chat irc "XCHAT" sous licence GPL et bien d'autre script pour améliorer le quotient des linuxiens(ennes)^^

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pylauncher (juacarra)

Lanzador de aplicaciones con permisos de super usuario para gnome. Bajo licencia GNU General Public License (GPLv3)

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pymmo (subtlerobot)

our development team is working on an open source mmorpg that is written in python. our server engine will most likely be a standalone script, and all of our database needs will be taken care of on a different server.

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