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Linux on tablets

linuxtablets (eheintzmann)

GNU/Linux on tablets: - List of tablets where GNU/Linux runs - How to install GNU/Linux on tablets

Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0

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Linux Tunisie

linuxtunisie (hmagroun)

Les objectifs de ce projet sont: - promouvoir l'utilisation de GNU/Linux, - publier des articles et des tutoriels traitant de GNU/Linux

licence: - Les articles et les tutoriels sont soumis à la licence GFDL

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linuxtuts (mikl)

Je voudrais créer une site web communautaire autour de GNU/Linux. Le site va contenir essentiellement des tutoriels afin d'aider les novices mais aussi des forums pour l'entraide. Les tutoriels sont très divers, on part de l'installation basique de linux jusqu'à l'installation des serveurs apache, ftp etc. Divers aussi parce qu'ils ne se limitent pas a une seule distribution. En effet, je prévois des sections pour les plus importantes d'entre-elles: Fedora, SuSe, Debian, Mandriva, Ubuntu. LEs novces seront contents!

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Linuxvillage - Entraide

linuxvillage (turzin)

Plate-forme d'entraide pour utilisateurs de distributions linux principalement axé sur les distributions tournantes. La particularité de ce projet est d'offrir une assistance plus humaine et personnelle.

License GFDL.

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linuxwifi (pagode)

Configuring wireless lan with directional antennas under linux.

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Linux sur Yvette, LUG

linuxyvette (elfabixx)

L'association Linux Sur Yvette est un LUG (Linux User Group), antenne nord-essonne de l'association de loi 1901 Liness, fédération des LUG d'Essonne. Le projet servira de site de présentation et de support de mailing list pour l'association Linux Sur Yvette.

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Liste de diffusion de Rochelug

listelug (rochelug)

Création d'une liste de diffusion afin de permettre aux membres de Rochelug (association des utilisateurs de Linux de La Rochelle et de ses vastes environs) de communiquer entre-eux.

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lit (nibl)

Lit is a program to teach reading to illiterate adults, young children, and adolescents with poor literacy skills.

Did you know that millions of people cannot read and write properly -- even in industrialised countries like the USA and Europe? The number of illiterate people in developing countries is huge, often the majority are illiterate.

Lit will be distributed as a Firefox extension so it is easy to install and use in a we browser. Secondly, there will be a live CD so people without reading or computer skills can take the CD to any computer and run the software without the dependency on others to install and guide them. Independence is part of the plan to reduce inhibitions. They would only need to learn how to use the mouse and for that there will be a movie tutorial which automatically starts on the CD.

Illiteracy causes social and economic barriers which are bad for individuals. Illiteracy also limits democracy because knowledge and laws are in written form. Those who cannot read, cannot inform themselves of their rights and options.

The Lit Now project aims to change that by distributing free software to teach literacy world-wide. The software is to be available in many languages. Computers are becoming available everywhere, and Lit will run with low requirements.

More information at:

License is GPL v. 3

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litcave (ali)

This projects is the home of many small programs, as previously hosted on, with the main goal of simplicity. Most of these programs fall into a few categories such as framebuffer programs (like fbpad, fbpdf, fbff and fbvnc), development programs (like neatcc compiler, neatld, neatlibc), and mail programs (like a mailx clone, and pop3 and smtp clients). Other small programs are included as well and newer programs are added from time to time. All of these programs are released under an open source licence, mostly GNU GPL. The programs derived from previous works are released under their original license, like the troff port which is under Lucent Public License.

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Le dictionnaire Littré pour Android

littre (ale6)

Consultez le dictionnaire Littré sur votre téléphone Android.

Le code source est disponible sur sous licence GPL3. Les données proviennent du projet XMLittré (sous GPL2).

Cet espace ayant pour but de permettre aux utilisateurs de télécharger le fichier d'index lors du premier lancement de l'application.

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