puzzle (grunge)
BSD-licensed softwares, ports, patches etc... Personal stuffs related to open-source projects.
puzzleteam (poulpette)
Projet de jeu 3D de type A-RPG sous licence libre (« Creative Commons BY » pour les documentations, « Art Libre » pour les réalisations graphiques et sonores, et GPL pour le code source).
Codé en C++ et Python, il utilise Ogre3D comme moteur graphique et Gnoll (licence GPL) comme moteur de jeu.
pve (awesomekalin)
Welcome to PvE+, the best PvE game on Byond! You have to attack other players and the enemies, which are: 1. Red Guy, the least powerful of them all 2. Green Guy 3. Blue Guy 4. Clone, looks like a player and is the most powerful enemy To move, use the arrow keys and to fight, press 'f'. You are always welcome to fork the repo at https://github.com/AwesomeKalin/PvE- We use the GNU-3.0 license
pvr (yargil)
PVR is a simple digital video recorder then it can be use with budget DVB card (card without hardware MPEG decoder) and may be in the future the network video stream. License GPL3
PVR est un logiciel qui gére l'enregistrement de flux video issue de cartes DVB et peux être du réseau dans le future. Licence GPL3
pwit (mrpouet)
Ce groupe à pour but de regrouper les diffèrents mini projets (personnels) auquel je contribu avec un ami,bon nombre d'entre eux seront codés en C, et qui plus est sous License GPL v3.
pws (pwsphp)
Développement de PwsPHP, CMS français développé en PHP couplé à MySQL. Ce portail comprend de nombreux modules (forum, news, livre d'or, ...) des thèmes de qualité (gratuits & payants), gestion des parties privées, ...
py3exiv2 (vinss)
py3exiv2 is a Python 3 binding to exiv2, the C++ library for manipulation of EXIF (EXchangeable Image File), IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) and XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) image metadata.
It is a python 3 module that allows your scripts to read and write metadata (EXIF, IPTC, XMP, thumbnails) embedded in image files (JPEG, TIFF, ...).
py3exiv2 is published under the terms of the GPL version 3 licence.
py4childs (pysycache)
PySyCache est un logiciel éducatif destiné aux jeunes enfants (4-7 ans) ayant pour objectif de leur apprendre à manipuler la souris à partir d'activités simples (déplacement, clic de la souris)
pyarm (gremy)
Pyarm is a physics simulator which provides an anthropomorphic arm model for experiments on human like motor control.
The arm model is described in the following technical report (written in French): http://download.tuxfamily.org/jdhp/pdf/pyarm.pdf .
The PyArm library is provided under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.
pyaudiodb (dal)
python-audiodb is a library to manage audio song via database. It offers several default tables such as play, stop, seek events but you can easily add new tables.
It generates an audioprint (based on chromaprint) and uses it as the song id in database. This permits to be stable over file moving, renaming, tagging and maybe more ...
A cli client is provided to get some information from database.
All python-audiodb modules are released under the terms of GPL 3.