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MSM Secured Desktop

msmdesk (msm123)

Un environnement de bureau libre, sécurisé et paramétrable permettant l’accès au systèmes d'authentification Active Directory et MSMdesk User Annuar(MSMdesk-auth). Dispose de la prise en charge d'extensions. Licence: GPL v3

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multipong (dawaien)

Il s'agit d'un jeu ressemblant à pong mais contre 3 adversaires au lieu d'un. Il peut se jouer tout seul contre l'ordinateur mais aussi contre des humains en réseau (en cours de dvpmt). Le jeu n'est que pédagogique, c'est pour cela qu'il est développé sous la licence GPL.

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newtpuzzle (elderme)

Newt is an Essential Waste of Time !

Le principe de cette compilation de petits jeux : prendre un concept de jeu de réflexion simple et plan (puissance 4 par exemple) et le passer en 3D au niveau de l'affichage mais aussi de la jouabilité (ainsi le puissance 4 se joue dans un cube).

Ce projet multiplateforme, sous license GPL 3, est réalisé en C++ et OpenGL.

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openblox (johnmh)

OpenBlox is a free and open source (LGPLv3) game engine, implementing an easy to use Lua API, similar to that of the proprietary ROBLOX engine. The reference implementation client, studio as well as the studio software are available under the GPLv3.

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Q3A minimal distribution

q3min (q3admin)

The aim of the Q3MIN project is the creation of a freely distributable minimalistic game package compatible with Quake III Arena originally created by id Software. The package should be as small as possible and be able to provide all the functionality (game code and artwork) needed to load and play freely distributable levels (maps) that were created as add-ons for Quake III Arena. Game code shall be based on the ioquake3 engine (distributed under the GPL). Artwork shall be either created by our developers or adapted from existing freely distributable (GPL) games. We also plan to introduce modifications and new features to the game engine to enhance playing experience.

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recaged (slinger)

ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.

With the main inspiration taken from the "Rollcage" and "Rollcage: Stage II" games, it has been written from scratch with focus on high simulation realism and flexibility. It also supports highly detailed 3D models for both rendering and collision detection.

All code is licensed under GPLv3, and all media files are under free licenses such as: GPLv3, All-Permissive and similar free licenses (such as CC-BY-SA).

More information, downloads and git repository can be found at:

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Stunt Rally

stuntrally (cryham)

The game focuses on closed rally tracks with possible stunt elements (jumps, loops, pipes) and Sci-Fi elements. It has its own Track Editor. It features 229 tracks (with various difficulty) in 40 sceneries, and 33 vehicles. Few game modes are present including challenges, collection, split screen and networked multiplayer.

Based on VDrift simulation and using OgreNext for rendering. License: GPL v3.

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subshoot (bells)

Submarine Shoot est un petit jeu du style "shoot them up", crée en C++, sous licence GPL, et disponible pour les plateformes Linux et Windows. Le joueur dirige un sous-marin et lance des torpilles pour couler des bateaux dans un temps imparti. Le jeu en est à sa version 2, qui est une version stable.

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tesseract (eihrul)

Tesseract is a first-person shooter game focused on instagib deathmatch and capture-the-flag gameplay as well as cooperative in-game map editing.

Tesseract provides a unique engine derived from Cube 2: Sauerbraten technology but with upgraded modern rendering techniques. The new rendering features include fully dynamic shadows, global illumination, HDR lighting, deferred shading, morphological/temporal/multisample anti-aliasing, and much more.

Tesseract's engine is open source with a permissive zlib-style license. Tesseract's media content is individually licensed and includes a mixture of public domain, Creative Commons, and possibly non-commercial licenses.

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tetrys (yno)

Version du célèbre jeu tetris proposant un rendu OpenGL et une gestion des blocs à la souris. Prévu initialement pour faire une pause entre deux lignes de code, Tetrys est disponible sous licence GPLv3.

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