aditamdev (trogeat)
Automated and DIstributed TAsk Manager. ADITAM is an open-source tasks management system. Flexible and easy to use, it can be adapted to any kind of needs. Features :
* Running tasks on a servers farm * Execution reporting * Groups & Users rights management * Programmable execution by setting date and time * Portable : ADITAM works with GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and *BSD systems. * Databases : As we know, MySQL, PostgresSQL and SQLite are supported but ADITAM should work with almost all others SQL Engines
ADITAM is a lightweight software that involves few system resources.
Due to a splited architecture, ADITAM is easily deployable in any existing infrastructure.
The project is under GPLv2 License.
azertox (azert0x)
Ce site web est destiné à accueillir divers codes sources (C, Perl, ASM) libres (sous licence BSD ou GNU, selon les systèmes pour lesquels ils sont destinés) ainsi que des articles variés (sous licence BY-SA de la Creative Common). Les thèmes abordés sont la sécurité informatique, les systèmes UNIX (Linux et BSD), la programmation, le réseau et l'informatique en général. Des textes philosophiques seront également présents. Dans le plus total respect des lois françaises, ce site internet vise à partager ressources et savoir-faire, à faire vivre l'échange et l'entraide au sein de la modeste communauté qui y est associé.
deb (channels)
bonjour, je voudrai heberger le site consacré a debian et freebsd, et je voudrai savoir s'il est possible d'avoir un compte tuxfamily, en vous remerciant d'avance .. bonne soirée
delt (ltpn)
A web application to allow students to learn the principles of double entry bookkeeping through a complete accounting system.
The web application is developed in PHP, using the Yii framework, and is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (
The source code is (and will be) available at
dupli (aferreras)
Aplicacion en perl con el objetivo de copiar un sistema FreeBSD completamente desde un HD a otro, utilizando la herramienta cpdup
fmrobsd (marck)
Ex projet de PIM (programme d'installation en mémoire) pour OpenBSD, fmrObsd est maintenant un bloc-notes sur ce système d'exploitation. Introduction à OpenBSD, traductions de pages man, sujets divers et variés (bsd.rd, dmesg, old releases). Texte sous licence CC-0 et code sous licence BSD.
glxdock (cairodock)
Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (under GPLv3 licence).
It uses Cairo / OpenGL to render graphics (many in correlation with Compiz) with full hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and fully customisable and can be used as a taskbar too. You can easily add applets in the dock or as a desklet. It is recommended to install the PLUG-INS package (cairo-dock-plug-ins) to have acces to more views, dialogs and many plug-ins and applets. Some screenshots are available :
lituus (lbartoletti)
Groupe contenant mes différentes activités open source comme le maintien de certains ports FreeBSD, le développement d'outils SIG (QGis : GPL2), la création d'une bibliothèque C (Unlicense/BSD), etc.
lynxstep (slash)
LynxStep aims to create an operating system based on ideas borrowed from OPENSTEP and Mac OS X. It will be based on FreeBSD and GNUstep. The software will be released under the terms of BSD and GPL licenses.
masterpolska (master123456)
It is a small company that makes videos on YouTube and Pixel Zone, an open-source game for Godot Engine. MIT License