gpsd4 (vxjumel)
gpsd4 est un projet sous licence GPL visant à fournir une interface libre et gratuite pour télécharger les données depuis le GPS Keymaze 300 vendu par Décathlon.
ipup (nibl)
iPup is a light and fast desktop Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. iPup was born out of the need to distribute Puppy Linux freely, unhindered by codec patents. iPup allows PC vendors to preinstall Puppy Linux on thin clients and mini PCs without paying any license fees.
iPup has two main goals:
1) To increase the stability over the official Puppy Linux release on which iPup is based. iPup prioritizes stability before innovation.
2) To only include free, Open Source software. This means removing any non-free, proprietary code from the Puppy Linux base, and finding free software alternatives if available.
iPup is a Linux distribution so various Open Source licenses are used by the included softwares. All included licenses are Open Source.
journal (leirda)
Script bash que j’utilise afin de faciliter l’écriture de mon journal.
Tous les scripts sont publiés sous la licence GPLv3, et les éventuels pages de manuel et autres documentations sous GFDL.
kerarmorbzh (baud123)
kerarmor bzh des fablabs en Bretagne pour promouvoir le DIY, le numérique, Linux, l'autonomie de tout un chacun
legip (graud)
A home page that gathers simple programs released under a free open source license. There will be no guarantee that the software provided conforms to the EU norms and does not offend the bien-pensants. Some texts may be added that explain how these or other programs are useful and that recommend or criticize programs or group structures that produce software. The licenses used are clearly mentioned in the subprojects' documentation; the preferred license is the GPL-2 except for some trivial scripts released in the public domain; in the future the programs may be re-released under another common free license like the LGPL, GPL-3, BSDL or CeCILL; if some programs are forked or are included in a subproject the original free license is kept.
lgdr (bigsisma)
The aim of this project is to create a benchmark for all young developers with lack of economic resources that they intend try in the development of software for the videogame industry. Will be made available to various departments for distribution as reporitoy ubuntu / debian, software licensed GPL and tutorial.
librepo (ddlibre)
A free repository for my free projects (mostly GPL licenced) :
* Some code in some small projects * Some patch I have made for some projects * A blog to talk about free software, and to give some tips about linux and Ubuntu usage
Thanks to all Tuxfamily team.
(Je suis français et je ne sais pas si le message devait être en anglais ou pas)
lynxstep (slash)
LynxStep aims to create an operating system based on ideas borrowed from OPENSTEP and Mac OS X. It will be based on FreeBSD and GNUstep. The software will be released under the terms of BSD and GPL licenses.
microsweeper (pmachata)
MicroSweeper is Minesweeper-like game implemented in Java and intended for J2ME-capable (MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1) hand-held devices. It provides an additional determinism: a game mode where all mine locations can be deduced from neighborhood count and you are not forced to place a guess. It has some extra goodies: walls, 4, 6 and 8-neighborhood boards, and wrap-around (torus) boards.
The game is licensed under the GPL 3. It needs MIDP and CLDC libraries to build, and a non-free preverifier has to be run on built binaries. All of these are available (free as in beer) in WTK, SUN's Wireless Toolkit package. As far as I know, there is no free implementation of these, and in particular they are not part of SUN's recently freed java package. I checked the following document, and it seems that this state of the matters doesn't interfere with GPL 3: (Check "New System Libraries Exception" in particular.)
The game doesn't use any other (free or non-free) libraries. It uses GNU Make for automating the build process and OpenJDK's javac and jar are used to do the compilation and packaging. A preprocessing using GNU M4 and Python takes place during the building process.
mmogerl (gehel)
Ce projet a pour but de créer un ensemble serveur (en erlang) client (en python) pour la création de mmog en 2d. L'ensemble du code source est sous licence FreeBSD.