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archux (miggols99)

This is a website with mainly Arch Linux tutorials, and my blog about Linux and technology. There are also general tutorials for general Linux distros. The content will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. See for more information.

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Association COAGUL

assocoagul (coagul)

LUG de Dijon, COAGUL est l'acronyme de : "Côte-d’Or - Association Générale des Utilisateurs de Logiciels libres". Par simplicité de compréhension on lui préfère généralement le nom d’Association Générale des Utilisateurs de Logiciels libres en Côte d’Or. L'association fait la promotion des logiciels libres en Côte d'Or grâce à de nombreuses actions. Elle anime aussi des ateliers informatiques de tout niveau sur les logiciels libres.

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Epidermis theme manager

epidermis (flimm)

Epidermis is a theme manager for GNOME, it handles GTK, metacity, icon, splash, usplash, cursor, grub and GDM themes and combines them into one installable theme. Epidermis is open source, it's released under GPLv2. Epidermis used to be called Complete Look, I decided to rename it to Epidermis sooner rather than later.

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gnumedia (brylie)

The aim of is to create a social network for multimedia productionists who use Free Software. This portal will contain Open Educational Resources relating to multimedia production using Software Libres. The portal will not contain advertisements and will have a strong privacy protection policy and practicum.

Side projects will include distributed project management, Free Software consultancy, Free Software Technical support network, online mapping framework, and solution implementation for Social Profit Organizations and individuals wishing to embrace the Free Culture Philosophy.

Licenses which are compatible and in harmony with the GNU GPL will be chosen for assets generated by projects. The primary license choices are the GNU GPL, AGPL, and CC-by-SA.

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Public Domain Sounds

pdsounds (qubodup)

With recording devices and microphones pdsounds volunteers acoustically discover the beauty of the world. From the million sounds of things to the pure waves of sinus. Our goal is to record it all and make it available for free.

The resulting sounds will all be released under public domain licenses.

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PTGaMeSpt - Project

ptgamespt (ptgames)

PTGaMeSpt are a portuguese project to creat/develop an online game. This project is based on starting `Ogame clone´ under GNU GPLv3 License. Will have a bugreport system, a wiki a blog/forum...

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WTO - La WebTv d'Orange sans Firefox

wto (difool)

WTO est un programme écrit en Python + GTK, distribué sous Licence GPL v3 et permettant de visionner la WebTv d'Orange sans avoir à passer par un navigateur.

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