[lang::fr] [os::GNU-Linux] [lang::en] [type::development] [License::GPL] [subject::GNU+Linux] [type::tutorial] [License::GPLv3] [License::CC-by-sa] [Language::PHP]
[soft::FPS] [License::CC-by-nc-sa] [lib::wxPython] [subject::nanocomputer] [Language::HTML-CSS] [lib::SDL] [subject::filtering] [License::AzFOSS] [soft::game] [subject::firefox]
cGmail is a fresh and shiny gnome mail checker written in python with support for gnome keyring and notifications via dbus.
cGmail is released under GNU GPL license terms
The web space will ospitate the projects pages for cgmail presentation and projects archives (tar.gz and deb) that are as small as ~100 Kb each one