


Details for group Achille

General information

  • Groupname: achille
  • Users: dsoulayrol
  • Description:

    Achille is aimed at automating websites building using well known source documents (like DocBook articles, HTML pages, pictures, listing, and so on) and a global site description.

    Achille can be seen as a documents translator for the Web. It gives you true separation between web presentation and your documents, giving you the choice to work and publish on documents the way you want, without worrying about how to publish them on the web.

    Achille is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.





    This is Achille's website.

    Achille is aimed at automating websites building using well known source documents (like DocBook articles, HTML pages, pictures, listings, and so on) and a global site description.

    Achille is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.

SVN Repositories

  • achille/svn

    This is Achille repository.

    Achille is aimed at automating websites building using well known source documents (like DocBook articles, HTML pages, pictures, listings, and so on) and a global site description.

    Achille is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3 licence.