


Details for group Progetto Gay

General information

  • Groupname: progettogay
  • Users: davideddu
  • Description:

    A community for Italian gay people. Some websites already exist (a forum and a few blogs), we'd like to migrate here and merge all the content. All content will be released under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 (we don't really care about the licensing, we basically just want to help people). Users won't be allowed to upload copyrighted or inappropriate content to the boards. It's not supposed to be a meeting website, just a community to ask questions and get answers.

    Content: the blog will produce articles about homosexuality in general, news, stories. I don't know if you have a rule on this, but it will be all "suitable for work" stuff. In the forum, as I said, the moderators will make sure the users don't post inappropriate stuff.

    We're planning to have first a test webarea that we'll use to do some tests with moving things (we already have a forum on a free host). Then we'll actually buy a cheap domain name and actually move content on different webareas (basically three: login.* as unique openid SSO system for everything we have, forum.* and one or two blogs - I think one is better; we might add a wiki, we still have to decide, we don't want to overdo it and to use too much of your resources). We'd also like to host static content on a download repository. The blog will be based on WordPress, the board on a patched phpBB, the openid server on a patched version of Prairie ( which I'll forther edit as I don't really like the way it handles urls, and if we decide (and you allow us) to have a wiki, it'd be based either on MoinMoin or MediaWiki.

    We are considering to add one or two ads (probably from RevenueHits) to pay for the FQDN. The rest will be forwarwed to you, as I (personally) really appreciate what you do.


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