[lang::fr] [os::GNU-Linux] [lang::en] [type::development] [License::GPL] [subject::GNU+Linux] [type::tutorial] [License::GPLv3] [License::CC-by-sa] [Language::PHP]
[subject::keyboard] [lang::it] [lang::cs] [subject::3D] [lang::en] [License::LGPL] [type::support] [subject::publication] [tool::doxygen] [subject::nanocomputer]
Ultimate-Smash-Friends is a 2d arcade fight game, based on the gameplay of super smash bros, from nintendo. It is licensed under Gnu General Public License (GPL). A single goal: getting rid of his opponent. There are several characters and levels.
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This site is the website of ultimate-smash-friends. There is a download page, a blog...