


Details for group phpbelgium

General information

  • Groupname: phpbelgium
  • Users: vdupont
  • Description:

    PHP Belgium

    The goal of this project is to create a community of PHP developers in Belgium and Luxembourg. The community should help poeple share their best practices and knowledge by various means, like the website, forums, meetings,tutorials,etc.

    Currently, we plan to distribute the following tools: - the website with news, tutorials and contact forms - a forum or FAQ - reviews of projects or softwares - planning for physical meetings of members - a 'commercial vue of PHP' : return of experiences, FAQ for managers - a job opportunities page where we will select and store jobs offers from companies.

    The website is not dedicated to create, sell or distribute software. If needed (for ex. demo/review of commercial softwares), links to resellers will be preferred instead of a direct download from PHPBelgium website. This is to ensure the independance of our website and to provide the best context as possible regarding the source of the downloaded file. The website is not dedicated to be part of any commercial activity, except connecting poeple. Generally speaking, all information publicly available, or available for all members will be freely available as GNU/GPL, except if expliccitely specified. All source code described into the forums, tutorials, etc will be freely available as GNU/GPL licence. All information publicly distributed (tutorials, news, messages, etc) will be the property and responsibility of the person emitting the information and will be freely distributed as GNU/GPL

    All personnal information about users will be confidential and submitted to the belgian law about private information (loi de la protection de la vie privée). Users will always be able to freely change/remove their personal information. No personnal information will be distributed. The PHP source code used to generate the website (engine) will be property of PHPBelgium and not distributed. PHPBelgium members will not distribute or suggest content that are against human rights and morality (racism, sex, etc)

    I hope this will match the requirements of Tuxfamily Bonne Année



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