


Details for group gparted-livecd

General information

  • Groupname: gpartedlive
  • Users: gparted, stevenshiau
  • Description:

    The power and simplicity of GParted on a biz-card size LiveCD. The CD aims to be fast, small in size (~50mb), and use minimal resources to get that disk partitioned the way you want it. GParted LiveCD is based on Gentoo-catalyst, and uses Xorg,the lightweight Fluxbox window manager, and the latest 2.6 Linux Kernel. It is on GPL licence. The CD also offers the following programs: parted and fdisk vi, ntfs-3g, partimage, testdisk, Terminal and Midnight Commander. And also tool to make screenshots.

    GParted LiveCD runs on most x86 machines with a celeron 500mhz or better. The minimal amount of memory I have tested is 64MO.


No tag for this group




    In this area, I would like to tell end-users about releases, and even if possible and depending of my free time, let users try beta versions. They will find links to the forum and other infos.

SVN Repositories

  • gpartedlive/gpartedlivecd

    For uploading files to allow users to build the livecd by themselves ; and especially to allow other dev to work on the releases.